Android's success is scaling new heights every year. Disney has just announced two new Android phones. What's confusing me is that aren't there profits high enough from our favorite animation films that they felt the need to enter the mobile market. What's happening here? From huge companies like Sony, Acer to a local Chinese mobile maker, everyone is announcing new Android phones.
The two new models launched are DMO11SH and DMO1OSH (wish they had thought of better names). The 4-inch 3D capable DM010SH handset has a 960x540 qHD Touchscreen, 8MP camera and a 1Ghz Processor. Next one DM011SH is a waterproof slider with a 3.4-inch touchscreen, with same camera and processors. Both will have Android 2.3 with some funky colors and a Disney Mickey Mouse button. These phones have been manufactured by Sharp in Japan.
When we deeply analyze Disney's effort to enter the Android market, the reason I could think of can be this. Steve Jobs who was the CEO at Apple gained worldwide appreciation for his creation of the iPhone but very few of us are aware that he is the highest stakeholder at Disney. Walt Disney had acquired Pixar Animation Studio for $7.4 Billion in stock, where Steve Jobs is the chairman, CEO and 50.6% owner. As a part of this deal, now Jobs has become the largest stake holder at Disney and he takes a seat at their Board of Director's. So if we think, a question arises did Steve took the decision to enter the Android mobile market at Disney? Many speculations can be made considering the facts we have. Now that he has resigned from the CEO post at Apple due to health issues, is he gaining power again at Disney by taking this step to enter Android market? He makes all the important decisions at both, Apple and Disney.