
Mobile World in 60 seconds!

Ever wonder how much data passes through mobile phones in one minute? Well, the guys at mobclix have done the research and here's the result. Read below to find out how many pieces of fruit get sliced, how many ads get tapped, how many ad dollars are spent, and more, per minute!

Key Findings:
  • 4,111 Ads tapped
  • 400,710 Ad requests–of those, 140,248 are rich media ad requests
  • 23,148 Apps downloaded in the App Store
  • $2,340 Ad dollars spent in the U.S.
  • 180 million coins collected on Tiny Zoo Friends
  • 250,000 pieces of fruit sliced on Fruit Ninja
  • 208,333 minutes of Angry Birds played

Source: Mobclix