
Microsoft shows-off all new redesigned logo for Windows 8

Windows 8 new logo

Sam Moreau, Windows' Principal Director of user experiences announced the all new metro style logo for Windows 8 on their official blog. He said,"We wanted the new logo to be both modern and classic,". Looking at it, we think they have been successful in doing so.

The old four colored flag-like windows logo we have been seeing for the years is now a thing from the past. This all new logo has been inspired form Windows Phone UI which represents live square tiles. The logo was created with the help of the design agency Pentagram. The new clean lines, color and the four square tiles truly represent what the new OS is going to be. The logo color will change based on the core theme color used in Windows 8. Let's hope that the new Windows OS will also be as good as their new logo. The first games coming with Windows 8 also left us impressed.

What's your take on this new design? Do you like it or you'll rather prefer the old one's?Shower your responses in the comments below.

Check out the old logos below: