- Hello everyone, I’m Kushang Dholakia. Well I needed to introduce myself, as I’m practically non-existent on the Internet. To start with I’m studying Mass Media and at the same time learning animation.
- The reason I so desperately wanted to start writing a blog was to share my enthusiasm, passion & love for movies, gadgets, graphics & every other tech stuff you can think about. Just like a photographer who cannot survive without a camera, I cannot think of my existent world without gadgets that help us make our world an easier place to live in. A day in my life involves hours of browsing gadget & movie websites. My day doesn't end till I watch a movie by night. Like every other nerd has a personal interest, my personal interests in the gadget world are mobiles, especially Smartphone’s. I would be writing a lot about them. Feel free to ask for buying advice. Trust me I'm good at it. I love drama & action movies. I’m myself a short filmmaker. I have Directed, written and edited three short films till date. The very reason I’m passionate about film making is that when I watch a film 90% of my focus is not on it, but how would they have done it. Films aren't just about lights, camera, action; they have much more than that. A true film has the power to change an individual’s mindset or even for that part change opinions of millions of people. A film can influence, inspire, bring change, convey a message, etc. Other things of my interest are animation, graphic designing & editing.
- Summing it up, here I’m writing articles about films, gadgets, graphics & things that I will love to share it with other people. Stay tuned to get a daily dose on these things that revolve around my & your life as more is to come.